Package ''PAM'' contains 2 symbols ''POLA'' and ''ANA''. The symbols evaluate to NIL, but internally represent control axes of the device.
They are used in following function:
Command to move polarizer or analyzer. Needs 2 arguments, first is the symbol POLA or ANA. Second argument is the azimuth in degrees. Returns T if command is accepted.
In the present implementation, only one motor can move at given moment. Returns NIL if the command is rejected.
>(pam::move 'pam::pola 60)
>(pam::move 'pam::ana 18) ; sending command immediately
;Device PAM is moving at the moment!
Simple predicate indicating if any of the motors are moving. No arguments. Used together with WAIT special operator.
>(pam::move 'pam::ana 18)
>(pam::moving?) ; while the analyzer is moving
>(wait (pam::moving?)) ; use LabLISP special operator WAIT, will block
NIL ; returns NIL once the measurement is done