**''MACROLET''** ''MACROLET'' defines local macros and evaluates forms contained in the MACROLET context, where the local macros are defined. They accept any number of arguments, but first must be list of the macro definitions. Note that no evaluation is done in the defining forms. Remaining arguments are evaled as in ''PROGN''. >(macrolet ((foo (a b) `(+ ,a ,b))) (foo 1 2)) 3 The expansion function of macrolet is evaluated in outer context to the macrolet form, but the expanded code is evaled in the form. This allows for some local syntactic attrocities, without polluting the global environment. The macro definitions are the same as in ''DEFMACRO'', so also work with ''&WHOLE'', ''&OPTIONAL'', ''&REST'' and ''&BODY'' parameters.