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Welcome to the LabLISP User Guide

LabLISP language is a subset of Common LISP. Or better to say, it mimics Common LISP. If you are familiar with Common LISP, some explanations here might feel redundant. On the other hand, LabLISP functions are often bit limited when compared to their Common LISP counterparts, and this guide will explain specifically the LabLISP behavior. For more general understanding, it is always good idea to consult established LISP references.

There are situations, where LabLISP behavior is significantly different from Common LISP, and this guide will provide complete description of them.



Following is example of LISP, when showing just syntax of expressions

(+ 2 3)
(add 1 4)  

When we want to show user input and lisp output, we will write > as prompt. We will also comment the code with the semicolon syntax, even it would not appear in the lisp output:

>(add 1 4)  ; user enters this
5           ; lisp outputs that

We will also keep the convention that user inputs are lowercase and the reader auto-capitalizes, so (when applicable) the outputs will be capitalized:

>'(quote (a b c))    ; user enters this
(QUOTE (A B C))      ; lisp outputs that

LabLISP follows the basic syntax of LISP, and DokuWiki supports the syntax highlighting in lisp code blocks.

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/04 06:26 by admin

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